What's On?

We have a range of events and activities that take place during the week, as well as occasional one off special events. The details can be found below.
Other events include:
Cream teas and charity coffee mornings
Mothering Sunday (March)
All Souls and All Saints (Nov)
Carol Service and Crib Service (Dec)
Advent / Lent study groups

Weekly Pew Sheet


Click here for the latest information including service times and the link for the Zoom service.

The St Thomas Chapel is open for private prayer 10am-3pm Monday to Friday.

House Groups


The House Group meets fortnightly on Tuesdays from 7.30pm, currently on Zoom, with the aim of developing our fellowship and growing discipleship. We study a range of topics connected with the Christian faith. For more information please contact Ian Totterdell by email on parishoffice@stthomaschurchexeter.co.uk

Toddler Group


St Thomas Tots meets every Thursday in the Church Hall from 9.30 - 11am. Parking (entrance off Church Road), level access and baby change facilities. It is a friendly group; no need to sign up, just drop in! £1 per family which includes a hot drink.

Knit and Natter


This friendly group of knitting and craft enthusiasts meets weekly from 10.30 to 12 noon at 19 Maple Road. Further details from Jenny on 01392 498725.

Community Larder


In these unprecedented times, many people are experiencing hardship and difficulties through illness, loss of jobs and social isolation. In response to this, St Thomas is working with other Christian Churches locally to run a Community Larder. More details of this can be found here
Donations such as tins, rice and pasta, as well as non-perishables such as soap and loo roll can all be received in the church tower between 9:30-10:30am each Thursday morning, or at our Sunday morning service.

Young at Heart


This popular group has restarted. No need to book: just come along! All welcome.

A monthly event for the older generations. Come and join us for friendship, events/talks, tea and cake. On the 4th Wednesday of every month from 2pm - 4pm in St Thomas Church Hall.

Ladies Lunch


Every fourth Saturday of the month a group of Ladies of all ages meets at a local pub for lunch. The purpose of the group is for female members of the church and local community to share in food and fellowship. The pub offers a wide range of food, which each person orders for themselves.

Dates for the rest of 2023: 22nd April, 27th May, 24th June, 22nd July, 26th August, 23rd September, 28th October, 25th November.

Men's Breakfast


Every second Saturday of the month a group of gents of all ages meets at a local pub for breakfast. The purpose of the group is for male members of the church and local community to share in food and fellowship. The pub offers a wide range of food, which each person orders for themselves. For details of the next breakfast please contact us.

Parish Walks


We have been developing a number of walks around the parish which you can do either in a group or individually by downloading a guide. You'll find more details on the pewsheet for group activities (often on a Saturday).

There is a Guide to Taster Walks and a Prayer Walk around Historic Sites.

Please take care if you do these walks on your own or privately.



The bell ringers meet weekly on Thursday evenings from 7-8.30pm in the church tower. New and experienced ringers are most welcome. Come along to join in or observe. Contact the Tower Captain, Eric on 07966 927834 or just turn up! We are able to teach new ringers the skills of Devon Call Changes. We also welcome interest groups such as schools, guides, etc for a visit for a small donation.