The Monks of Cowick

Geoffrey Yeo has kindly digitised and updated his 1987 history The Monks of Cowick including some new photos. You will find the relevant chapters in the links below. [under construction]

The Monks of Cowick by Geoffrey Yeo (1987)

Friday 12th July 2024

Cowick Priory The priory of St Andrew, Cowick, was founded in the early years of the 12th century. It was located about 1¼ miles (2 kilometres) south-west of Exeter cathedral, in what later became the parish of St Thomas. The priory survived for about four hundred years and was dissolved in 1539. The Cowick Barton inn now occupies the site. In the 1980s, Geoffrey Yeo wrote a detailed historical account of the priory. Based on original research using the priory's surviving archives at the Devon Record Office (later re-named the Devon Heritage Centre), his work was issued as a printed booklet with the title The Monks of Cowick (privately published, Exeter, 1987). As well as describing the life of the priory, its…

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