St Thomas Blog

Keep up to date with news and views from St Thomas Church!

Holy Week Trail

Sunday 28th March 2021

Look out for our Holy Week trail! Posters being added during this week to retell the events which lead up to Easter Day. Can you spot them all?

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Holy Week 2021

Sunday 28th March 2021

This is our programme for Holy Week. And you are very welcome to some or all of it On Palm Sunday, we will use this Lent Worship Sheet and read the dramatized version of St Mark's Passion. This worship is by Zoom with this link. We will be using this link for all worship in Holy Week and for Easter Day. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights, we are delighted to welcome Andrew Beane, the Archdeacon of Exeter, as our speaker in three short acts of worship at 7pm each night. The liturgy we are following is here. On Maundy Thursday night, we are saying Compline together online via Zoom at 9pm, using this Order of Service. Good Friday, there will be a Stations of the Cross…

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Lent 5 Passion Sunday 21st March Zoom Talk

Monday 22nd March 2021
Phil baker

Read Phil's Zoom talk for Passion Sunday here

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A Mothering Sunday poem

Monday 15th March 2021
Karen Hedges

Thanks to Karen for permission to share her beautiful Mothering Sunday poem. You can read it here

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Mothering Sunday, 14th March 2021 Zoom Talk & Intercessions

Monday 15th March 2021
Martin Le Fleming

Read what Martin has to say here and Judith's intercessions from the Mothers' Union A Litany for Mothers Eve our first mother - thank you for stepping out and being the first to understand the complexities of life. Sarah, Hannah and Elizabeth - thank you for your patience and courage in waiting for a miracle. May all people longing for children be strengthened by your stories and comforted in their pain. Hagar - thank you for your resolve in the face of exile. May all mothers who are forced to flee or are forgotten be given hope in you. Rebecca - thank you for your flexibility. Let us remember all mothers who have to raise their children in a different country or far from their relatives…

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'EASTER JOY' Photography Competition

Sunday 14th March 2021

Today sees the launch of a new photography competition 'Easter Joy'. Especially aimed at residents of St Thomas, we encourage people to see the Easter Joy in their local community at this time. Details of Terms and Conditions, as well as fabulous prizes, can be found HERE

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3rd Sunday in Lent, 7th March 2021 Talk

Monday 8th March 2021

Read Fr Terry's talk at the Zoom service for the 3rd Sunday of Lent here

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2nd Sunday in Lent, 28th February Talk

Monday 1st March 2021

Read Helen Pearce's Zoom Talk for Lent 2 here

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These Are Our Stories - the Exeter Diocese Lent Course

Thursday 25th February 2021

Here at St Thomas Parish Church we are running a series of 5 sessions based around the Exeter Diocese course - These Are Our Stories. Each session focuses on an our experiences of the last 12 months and how we can make sense of them - together. The course starts on Thursday 25th February from 7-8 on Zoom. Please contact Revd Sarah on for more details.

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Devon County Council Grant

Tuesday 23rd February 2021

We are delighted to announce that the Parish has been succesful in another small grant application to support our outreach towards vunerable people, especially those with difficulty accessing the internet. Devon County Council has awarded us £437 as a contribution to the costs of our weekly postal mailing, which goes out to about 50 people in St Thomas and slightly beyond, and which has continued from the start of the pandemic. Thank you DCC!

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