St Thomas Blog

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Ascension Day

Thursday 21st May 2020
Rev David Nixon

Join the clergy and people of St Thomas in Holy Eucharist for Ascension Day.

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Easter 6

Sunday 17th May 2020
Rev Sarah Cumming

Easter 6 Sermon I will start by wishing you all a Happy Easter as we have 2 more weeks of Easter celebration left! I saw a cartoon this week which was designed to look like the London Underground map. You will find a copy of it on the pewsheet. Instead of Tube stations it shows our current destinations of chair, window and tv. It is a way of showing that our worlds have become smaller. My feeling is that many of us are starting to get a bit restless. In the verses which lead into our reading from the Acts of the Apostles, the people of Athens are also restless, constantly seeking something new. That's not a bad thing:…

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Thrashing about with God

Friday 15th May 2020
Fr Terry Litherland

Read Fr Terry's review of this book which is very appropriate during this period of lockdown

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Easter 5

Saturday 9th May 2020
Philip Baker, Lay Reader

Easter 5 10th May 2020 John 14.1-14 We are at a time when many are feeling hopeless. Will this virus ever be beaten? Will life ever get back to normal? There are people so totally isolated by the lockdown that they are finding it very difficult, particularly those of us who live alone. I am lucky in that I have, and am ready to use, modern technology to keep in regular contact with friends and colleagues. In fact, I speak by these means daily to some friends face to face that I might only see once or twice a week normally. But some do not have that luxury and they cannot get out to interact with friends…

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A Review of The City Is My Monastery

Sunday 3rd May 2020
Yve Taylor

'The City is My Monastery - A Contemporary Rule of Life' by Richard Carter Canterbury Press; 2019: ISBN 978-1-78622-213-8 This most compelling book is about the evolution and identity of the Nazareth Community at St Martin-in-the-Fields, London. Rev Richard Carter serves as an NSM there, among immigrants, the desperate, homeless, and broken. It is lived experience and practice within fully inclusive communities. Filled with beautiful poetry, prayer, Lectio-Divina and autobiographical stories, it is balm for the soul. Rooted in the unconditional, love, mercy and grace of Christ, the community epitomises the simple life of the Melanesian Brotherhood in the Solomon Islands where Carter lived before moving to London. At the heart of their Rule of Life is being with God and…

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Easter 4

Sunday 3rd May 2020
Rev David Nixon

If you need to remind yourself of the reality and hope of Easter, read Father David's sermon here or listen to it below

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Creative Challenge for the Lockdown

Monday 27th April 2020
Anne Sturt

A Creative Challenge for You! With all of us safely inside for the next few weeks, we would like to suggest some positive ways of using this time. For those of you who enjoy working with fabric or yarn, if you make an 8" square of sewing, knitting, crochet or embroidery, we'll assemble them all into a final piece of work. Or why not make a clay tile, grow a plant, knit a cardigan, decorate a plant-pot, write a poem, draw or decoupage a picture or take some interesting photos? Be creative! Then when we get back together, we'll display our creativity and celebrate our achievements. If your creation is too large to bring in, then take photos and we'll display them…

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The Road to Emmaus

Sunday 26th April 2020
Rev Sarah Cumming

Let's join Rev Sarah continuing the Easter message as she reflects on the journey on the road to Emmaus. You can also read her sermon here The Road to Emmaus painting is courtesy of

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Easter 2

Sunday 19th April 2020
Philip Baker, Lay Reader

Lay Reader, Phil Baker, reflects on the parallels between today's Gospel (John 20. 19-31) and how we are living during this pandemic, with our churches closed. You can read his thoughts here or listen to his voice in the video link below.

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Jenny goes on giving during the pandemic

Saturday 18th April 2020
Ann King

Jenny is a wonderful example to us and her neighbours, showing how to make the best of our time and think about others who may need a helping hand during these difficult weeks. She's used her very green fingers and set up a plant stall outside her home, generously giving away some luscious house plants to brighten peoples' lives. Passers-by were thrilled by the plants and responded equally generously to Jenny's request for donations to the Community Larder. By the end of the morning, all the plants were in their new homes and Jenny had two big bags of goodies for the Larder and some cash donations too. Well done Jenny!

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